Mike Bezant
Mike Bezant is the director of Gather and Gain, and the Pastor of a home Church fellowship in Busselton and Bunbury. Mike and his wife, Alana, are first and foremost followers of Christ, and passionate about sharing the love of Christ with others!
Mike started Gather and Gain in 2019 and together with Alana began a home church fellowship in August of 2021, located in the south west of Western Australia. Mike teaches the Bible verse-by-verse expositionally and seeks to live out Paul’s message to Timothy, ‘Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’ (2 Timothy 2:15) In addition, he speaks at Bible prophecy conferences, retreats, and youth camps.
Mike and Alana have been married for 14 years, and reside in Busselton, where they enjoy their two beautiful children and God’s awesome creation.