AWAKE Conference

The Awake Conference is an opportunity to explore Bible Prophecy & wake up to the reality of what is happening now around the world. We have brought together high quality Bible Teachers from around Australia, teaching on the subject ‘Israel and the Nations’. We will share with you doctrinally sound, culturally relevant, and time critical Bible teaching. It’s time to wake up, be the church, and be about our fathers business - join us as we seek to encourage, challenge and build you up with the Word of God!

Saturday 10th August, 2024

Venue - Gospel Baptist Church, Wanneroo (PERTH)

Bible Teachers: Kevin Vigus, Mike Bezant, Jim Moore, Steve Cox

Cost - gold coin donation

Farm + Faith Conference

In 2025 The Herald of Hope is again partnering with Gather and Gain in Western Australia, for the 2025 Farm & Faith Conference. In cooperation with local southwest believers we are arranging Christian farmers to give seminars on relevant rural subjects to engage the urban and rural southwest community alike. At these Farm + Faith conferences, Herald of Hope and Gather and Gain speakers also engage the attendees with Bible teaching.

Saturday 12th April, 2025

Venue - TBD

Cost - Free

Prophecy Times Podcast

Our aim is to encourage, prepare, and bring you hope in these last days that we live. But why is Bible Prophecy the focus of this show? I'm glad you asked! More questions are being asked today than ever before concerning the return of the Lord. The blessed hope of Christ's coming for His own has been the expectation of the church since the time of the apostles, and it continues to be the star of hope for believers weary of this world.

More than this, bible prophecy accounts for between 27-33% of all Scripture. Meaning that approximately one third of the Bible is prophetic. And of that one third, a little less than half is still yet to be fulfilled, and yet many pulpits are silent regarding bible prophecy. Let me repeat that, many pulpits are silent regarding one third of the Bible. And the wild thing is that it was written to bring hope and joy and comfort to the believer.

We at Gather and Gain will not be silent, and it is our prayer that this show will bring the believer hope and joy and comfort!

On Telegram

Through the website you can find information on church, our upcoming events, Bible ministries, watch our latest Bible teaching, and much more. On Telegram we bring you Bible teachings and encouragement from the Word of God.

Our heart at Gather and Gain is to declare to you the whole counsel of God’s Word (Acts 20:27, 2 Timothy 4:2), rightly dividing the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), knowing it is from the Lord, and is living and powerful (Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:15-17), with the hope and prayer that you will receive the Word with all readiness, and search the Scriptures daily to find out the truth. (Acts 17:11)