We gather weekly as the local body of Christ in Busselton. Mike Bezant is our local Pastor, expositionally teaching from the Word of God. We are a family friendly fellowship with kids teaching resourced by Answers in Genesis and are grateful for the prayers and wisdom provided to us from the Home Away Team at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (calvarycch.org/homeaway) and Pastor Jack Hibbs. Want to know God, or for any other reason, please get in touch!

To help you better get to know who we are and what we believe, it’s important that you look through our statement of faith - which is a written declaration of our position on matters that pertain to the essentials of historical Christianity.


Gathering Times

Sunday Service - 10:00am *

* Children’s Ministry available for school age


Come Join Us!

Our fellowship gathers at Freshstart Campsite

132 Caves Rd, Busselton

Contact: 0476 275 713 (Mike)

Email: mike.bezant@gatherandgain.org