There are many opportunities for those interested in teaching. The Home School Hub welcomes professional teachers, parents, as well as others in the south west community. We want to invite you to teach a class on something you feel passionate about. It can be almost anything!

The Homeschool Hub does not hire tutors, rather we provide a space for tutors to share their gifts and knowledge! All of our tutors need to be self-employed. You set the parameters for your class, you set the fees.


Statement of Faith

A Statement of Faith is a written declaration of the ministry's position on matters that pertain to the essentials of historical Christianity. All tutors are required to believe, agree with and sign our basic Home School Hub Statement of Faith.


Classes + Students

Tutors must be committed to show up for every class and do their best not to cancel class except for extenuating circumstances. If classes are cancelled, teachers are expected to schedule a make-up class. Tutors must also sign a Tutor Contract outlining these expectations.


Tutor Application

Every tutor must first complete an Application and hold a current Working With Children Check. All applications are thoroughly reviewed and references are contacted and vetted. Following review, the applicant must complete an in-person interview with the director and one additional committee member.


Tutor Meetings

Good communication is key to a successful team. Tutors are expected to attend a mandatory meeting prior to the start of each term, as well as download the Telegram app for weekly teacher communications.