Conference Sessions
Session 1 - Panel
Session 2 - Jim Moore
Session 3 - Dave Carr
Session 4 - Greg Kelly
Session 5 - Stewart Marks
Session 6 - Mike Bezant
Conference Speakers
Mike Bezant
Director of Gather and Gain, and Bible Teacher for a Southwest Home Church fellowship.
Greg Kelly
Pastor of Central Area Aboriginal Christian Church, Harrisdale.
Dave Carr
Formerly the Pastor of Collie Church of Christ, and Associate Pastor of Southwest Baptist Church.
Stewart Marks
Pastor of Calvary Chapel Perth, Canningvale.
Jim Moore
Pastor of Gospel Baptist Church, Wanneroo.
Conference Details
The Awake Conference is an opportunity to explore Bible Prophecy and wake up to the reality of what is happening now in the world. We’ve brought together five high quality Bible Teachers from around Perth and the Southwest, to share with you doctrinally sound, culturally relevant, and time critical Biblical teaching. It’s time to wake up, be the church, and be about our fathers business - join us as we seek to encourage, challenge and build you up with the Word of God!
Friday Night 27th January & Saturday 28th January, 2023
Accommodation not included
Cornerstone Christian College
Grace Court, West Busselton
Kids Program and Creche available
Supper, Morning Tea, & Afternoon Tea provided
Cost $30 / adult (kids under 15 free)
(Bank transfer / pay at the door)
UPDATE: Accomodation is available
Camp Geographe, Siesta Park
Friday, Saturday nights and onwards if you want to stay on longer
Go to
Reference ‘Gather and Gain’ in the Group Name
Accomodation costs are in addition to the Conference fee
Conference Schedule
Friday, January 27th
6:00 PM Registration, Resource Centre & Doors Open
6:30 PM Welcome & Introductions
7:00 PM Session 1 - Panel Discussion (Dave Carr, Stewart Marks & Mike Bezant)
9:00 PM Resource Centre Open & Refreshments Available
Saturday, January 28th
8:30 AM Registration, Resource Centre & Doors Open
9:00AM Welcome & Introductions
9:15 AM Session 2 - Pastor Jim Moore
10:15 AM Session 3 - Dave Carr
11:30 AM Session 4 - Pastor Greg Kelly
12:30 PM Lunch Break
2:00 PM Session 5 - Pastor Stewart Marks
3:15 PM Session 6 - Mike Bezant
4:30 PM Conference Concludes
4:30 PM Resource Centre Open, Refreshments Available